La littérature psychanalytique lacanienne concernant le «transsexualisme» manifeste un effacement significatif de la mention des transitions female- to-male (FtM) au profit d’un intérêt permanent et quasi exclusif pour les male-to- female (MtF) – au point alors de faire de ces derniers la figure du transsexualisme. Comment rendre compte du désintérêt psychanalytique à l’égard des FtM? Dans quelle mesure est-il ordonné par les théories, freudiennes en particulier, sur la féminité ? L’étude de la place accordée au différentiel FtM/MtF dans les textes psychanalytiques montrera par ailleurs que les abords du transsexualisme semblent indissociables de considérations diagnostiques, ce qui conduira à interroger en dernier lieu la tendance psychanalytique à faire «du» transsexualisme une entité structurale.
Abstract: A literature review of Lacanian approaches to “transsexualism” shows that female-to-male (FtM) transition is significantly overlooked and that psycho- analysis seems to be persistently and almost exclusively interested in male-to-fe- male (MtF) transition—to the extent that the latter can be said to have become the very epitome of transsexualism. How can the lack of psychoanalytical interest in FtM transition be addressed? To what extent is this structured around the Freudian theories, in particular those on femininity? The study of the place given to the differential between FtM/MtF in the psychoanalytic literature will also show that the questions surrounding transsexualism seem impossible to distinguish from diagnostic considerations, which will lead to the question of how psychoanalysis tends to think of “transsexualism” as one structural entity.